St Peter’s College Big Quad Re-Development

St Peter’s College Pentreath Middle School

Gawler & Districts College

Ngutu College

Paralowie School Capital Works

Walford Anglican School For Girls Campus Re-Development

Walford Anglican School For Girls Design and Technology Centre

Walford Anglican School For Girls Ellen Benham Science Centre

Walford Anglican School for Girls Heart of the School

Urrbrae Agricultural High School - STEM Learning Precinct

Urrbrae Agricultural High School

The University of Adelaide Charles Hawker Food Sciences Laboratory

The University of Adelaide Vibro-Acoustics Research Facility

The University of Adelaide, Johnson Laboratories & Building Upgrade

The University of Adelaide Materials Bio Engineering Laboatories

Flinders University, Sturt Decafe

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Fullarton Road Offices

170 Frome Street

Hewlett Packard House (LGA House)

Quest North Terrace

Gawler Chambers

Can:Do South

Lerwin Aged Care

CMI Toyota Christies Beach

CMI Toyota West Terrace

Mercedes-Benz Vans

Lexus of Adelaide, CMV Group

Adelaide Motors BMW

Police Association of South Australia- Precinct Cafe

Adelaide Hills Home Maker Centre

Mile End Home Maker Centre

The Alma Hotel

Tynte Street Apartments

Go East

James the Salon

Strangways Terrace Residence

Malvern Residence

North Adelaide Residence

MacKinnon Parade Residence

Unley Park Residence

Sunnyside Road Residence

Royal Oak Hotel

Frome Road Cafe
Goodstart Childcare - Somerton Park

Adelaide Motors Mini

Angas Street Apartments
City of Prospect - Civic Centre

Centerlink Modbury

Centerlink Prospect

Centerlink Salisbury

Le Pont Tourbillon - Paris

88 O'Connell Street

Beach House

Weber Grille Academy

The House That Was A Bridge

Paralowie School - Performing Arts Centre

Paralowie School - Wellness Centre